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Don't just watch!

Book online tutoring immediately and easily.

Immerse yourself in wryte's innovative online tutoring with your child! Instead of one-sided learning, our interactive technology enables real exchange with teachers - as if they were sitting together on the same page.

Thanks to Flex Sessions, spontaneous learning is possible at any time, perfect for iPad users. Here your child is not just there, but right in the middle of it!

"How about your child learning actively and having fun from anywhere?"




Work yourself instead of just watching

Perfect for the iPad

Receive spontaneous tutoring

wryte's technology allows students and teachers to work on assignments and problem solving simultaneously and in real time. This face-to-face interaction promotes understanding and keeps students engaged and motivated.

Our platform is specifically designed for tablet users. This means intuitive usability, clear visualizations and seamless integration into your child's everyday learning routine.

Help is usually needed spontaneously when you are acutely stuck on a problem or have a school assignment imminent. With our booking platform, students can spontaneously make appointments for 15 minutes or just a month. This means we say goodbye to the hassle of coordinating tutoring sessions and everyone receives help exactly when it is needed. 

Download wryte for free in the iPad App Store

Sit at the tablet at the agreed time.

And that's how you start

Matthias' tutoring institute has been successfully supporting over 1000 students for 13 years. With the growing demand for online tutoring, we encountered a gap: existing tools only promoted passive learning. It was clear to us that real education requires active participation. That's why we created "wryte" - our answer to interactive, revolutionized online tutoring.

13 years of tutoring experience

About us...

...people say


We understand that tutoring is a personal matter.

Your child, your questions, your trust – that’s what counts. Just get in touch with us like we've been chatting forever!

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